About the Work That Reconnects Network

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Networks are the only form of organization used by living systems on this planet. These networks result from self-organization, where individuals or species recognize their interdependence and organize in ways that support the diversity and viability of all. Networks create the conditions for emergence, which is how Life changes.
~Margaret Wheatley and Deborah Frieze, “Lifecycle of Emergence: Using Emergence to Take Social Innovation to Scale,” Berkana Institute.org.

Our Vision
– The Work That Reconnects Network provides support, guidance, and inspiration to people all over the world in their work for the Great Turning, in diverse communities, schools, universities, businesses, government agencies, and NGOs.
– The  Work That Reconnects Network functions as a vibrant living system, providing communication, education, mutual support, and collaboration in creating curricula, practices, books and articles, music, poetry, and art.

Our Mission
– To design and build a network of facilitators and community members in the Work That Reconnects for optimal communication, collaboration, inspiration, and mutual support, and to contribute to the Great Turning.
– To promote the Work That Reconnects in the world by building relationships in person and via social media, an interactive website, a periodic journal, and other means.
– To develop a support system with funding and staff to enable the Work That Reconnects Network to fulfill its vision.

Our Values
Openness, transparency, connectivity, collaboration, inclusivity, diversity, kindness, service to the welfare of all beings of the three times and to the healing of the planet.

Network Leadership
Although networks arise from the self-organization of all members, a few people have stepped up to get things going, calling ourselves the Network Weavers: Aravinda Ananda, Werner Brandt, Molly Brown, Paula Hendrick, Emily Ryan, and Constance Washburn.

The Core Team of Weavers hold bi-weekly online meetings to make decisions by consensus.  Other Weavers attend meetings of the Core Team when they are able, or when they want to bring up a proposal or concern. If you want to be involved in the Weavers group or the Core Team, please let us know via our Contact Form.

Opportunities To Get Involved

We are looking for folks to volunteer time and skills to help grow the Network. Please be in touch  and fill out this form if you can help in these areas:

  • Volunteer coordinator
  • Network Weaving core team
  • Network engagement – involving folks in the activity of the Network
  • Website development
  • Editorial team for Deep Times journal
  • Scholarship fund development (policies, procedures, and funding)
  • Fund-raising and grant-writing to support the website, journal, scholarship fund, and other Network endeavors
  • Organizing and creating/facilitating webinars for facilitators and friends of the Work That Reconnects.
  • Anything else you think needs doing!

One thought on “About the Work That Reconnects Network

  1. Hello dear ones,

    I am living in Bali and actively seeking training in the WTR. I found an upcoming event in Tataka, NZ at a Yoga retreat called Anahata and facilitated by a woman named Inna Alex. Do you know anything about this organization and trainer? http://www.anahata-retreat.org.nz/wiki/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=885

    I would love it if you had any information about them so I can decide wether or not this would be a good investment to make. Thank you so much!

    Penelope Baquero

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