Active Hope in Japan: Journeys to Fukushima

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by   田嶋真紀


そんな日本において、アクティブ・ホープ / つながりを取り戻すワークは、自分が感じるままに感情を出してもいい、と自分に許可を与え、感情をあらわすことを助けてくれます。



Plastic Bags Full of Irradiated Soil and Precious Memories.  Photo by Setsuko Hiromoto, 11/2015. Iitatemura, Fukushima





* 旅を思い出すことで、自分は何をするべきかという問いに目を向けることができる。



Last Day Gathering at Renshoan. Photo by Riko Endo, 9/2018. Tamura-shi, Fukushima

福島では、多くの人々や団体が、対話をする場、感じていることを話せる場を作ってこられました。しかし、「知り合いの中では自分の気持ちを話せない 」などの難しさもあると聞きました。

*福島には多くの分断がある。でも、私たちは違っていても、見えないところでつながっているんだと思え、前に進むことができました 。




Active Hope in Japan: Journeys to Fukushima

by Maki Tajima

Recording by author

In Japan, there is a long-standing culture of refraining from showing one’s emotions, which is considered not dignified.The strong tendency to believe that it is not good to show one’s pain in public makes it difficult for many people to speak what they really feel, and feelings are often unconsciously suppressed.

Valuing the pain helps us to recognize the love underneath the pain

In Japan, Active Hope/The Work That Reconnects helps people to give themselves permission to feel as they feel, and helps them express their feelings. Valuing the pain helps us to recognize the love underneath the pain, enables us to touch our deep wishes, and then connects us to the larger circle, giving us the strength to move forward. It helped us a lot when we visited places with great pain, like Fukushima.

As a group of volunteers, we have been conducting a Fukushima Learning Journey once a year since 2015. This trip to Fukushima with Bob Stilger uses Active Hope as a framework.The purpose of this trip is not to do “support work” in Fukushima, but to see the scenery of what is happening there, listen to the stories of the people, value what we feel and receive from them, and apply this learning  to our own lives.

So far, we have done five Learning Journeys. We have visited various places within the Fukushima area. Some were in the vicinity of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant; another was  far away but downwind from it, where radiation levels were so high that residents had to evacuate.

Plastic Bags Full of Irradiated Soil and Precious Memories.  Photo by Setsuko Hiromoto, 11/2015. Iitatemura, Fukushima

The government is gradually decontaminating many areas and residents have been returning to their homes, but still some cannot return. We heard from people who have been working to connect people in the community, keeping the lights burning in each community. We were able to take a glance of how Fukushima is changing.

During the Learning Journey, we used Open Sentences and engaged in dialogue while we were riding the bus and in the lodge after dinner. Then, on the last day, we visited  Rensho-an, a quiet retreat center in a beautiful natural setting, to spend time alone in nature and other areas. Together we had time to reflect and share our journey in Fukushima, also using Active Hope work.

Active Hope and Bob’s facilitation gave us a framework to guide our journey.  Participants started with gratitude for life, then deeply felt the grief, anger, and hope experienced in Fukushima. It opened our eyes to a hidden world around us and moved us to take steps forward.

This work helped us to be with the despair and hope of Fukushima, and also enabled us to change the way we live. The people we met in Fukushima were, in a sense, living Active Hope on a daily basis. Hearing from these people gave us great courage.

To quote some participants:

“There has been a profound change in my own life as a result of participating in this journey….”

“I can connect to the source of my strength by remembering the experiences I had there.”
“ Remembering the Journey helps me to turn to the question of what I am meant to do.”

Traveling with Active Hope has given each of us something that we could not have reached by just “seeing and listening” in Fukushima.

The Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 created many divisions in Fukushima. Soon after the disaster, many families were torn apart by differences of opinion, such as whether or not to evacuate, what to eat or not eat, and whether or not to allow their children to play outside. How to move forward made a lot of difference. 

Last Day Gathering at Renshoan. Photo by Riko Endo, 9/2018. Tamura-shi, Fukushima

In Fukushima, many people and organizations try to create a space for people to talk and express feelings. But there are some difficulties, such as “I can’t talk about my feelings among people I know.” There are people who say it is important to do Active Hope/The Work That Reconnects in Fukushima. But it is not so easy for people to participate. Nevertheless, some have experienced this work and have said:

“There are many divisions in Fukushima. But even though we are different, we are connected in a way that we cannot see.”

A very active activist told us a few years after the accident:

“This is the first time I have looked inside myself to feel how I feel since the accident.” 

“I was involved in agriculture, and after the accident, I strongly felt how nature in Fukushima was damaged, so it was very painful. Through this work I now know that I was deeply connected to nature, and that is why I felt that pain. This work showed me the way forward.”

By holding this work in Fukushima, even if the number of participants is small, the truth and the voice within Fukushima will be expressed through the participants. By doing so, healing will take place in Fukushima. I would like to believe so.

This work helps us to connect to the source of power within us and to beings who support us.

The world presents us with one challenge after another. Yet we can stay connected–with ourselves, with the living beings around us, and with the world and what is happening there, even if it is painful. This work helps us to connect to the source of power within us and to beings who support us. I believe that continuing to spiral with this work will give us the strength to move forward. 

[Editor’s note: Maki shares this personal statement based on her own experiences and the stories she heard from people she met and traveled with in Fukushima.]


若い頃から旅が好きで、世界各地を旅し、ヨーロッパに13年住む。2011年東日本大震災後日本に戻る。その後、NPO法人セブン・ジェネレーションズの活動や、ジョアンナ・メイシーの「アクティブ・ホープ」の日本語版出版や、ワークを日本で紹介することに関わる。アメリカで開催されたジョアンナ・メイシーのインテンシブに2回参加。また、2015年から2019年まで、年に一度、ボブ・スティルガーや友人たちと、アクティブ・ホープをベースにする「福島ラーニーング・ジャーニー」を開催。2013年からは、東京の郊外の藤野に住み、 森の再生プロジェクトやトランジション・タウンの活動など、地域活動に携わる。様々な仕事を経験し、現在は訪問介護の仕事をしている。

Maki Tajima

Recordings by author

I have loved traveling since I was young, and have traveled around the world and lived in Europe for 13 years. After the 2011 Earthquake, I returned to Japan and became involved with  Seven Generations (Work with Pachamama Alliance in Japan), publication of Joanna Macy’s Active Hope book in Japanese, and introducing Joanna’s work in Japan. I participated in two Intensives with Joanna Macy in the USA. Also, I have organized an Active Hope-based “Fukushima Learning Journey” with Bob Stilger and friends once a year from 2015 through 2019. Since 2013 I have lived in Fujino, in the countryside just outside Tokyo.  There I have been involved in community activities such as a forest restoration project and Transition Town activities. I have had many jobs; currently I am working as a caretaker.

2 thoughts on “Active Hope in Japan: Journeys to Fukushima

  1. It is good to read your article of active hope with Fukushima learning journey. Active hope for the cleansing of the seas have been held mostly monthly by a small group of women around the coast of West Wales where we have gathered at estuary confluence and waterways nearby since the great eastern earth quakes of Japan and hearing of the plight of the Pacific as a result of the nuclear power plant disaster at Fukishima. Our active hope has been to offer ceremony to our Welsh waters, by activating a connection within ourselves and with connection to nature,
    concentrating on its purity as it would have been from its source and flowing in its natural form as nature intended to the great seas, spreading into and across the Oceans. A spreading of goodwill too, this is also our cry for active hope.
    For me to share your article with our small group here in Wales at our next gathering will help us feel the power in unity of Hope. We needed to pause our meetings during the times of Covid19 outbreak here in Wales. It is our truth to ‘stay active and to stay connected–with ourselves, with the living beings around us’, as you say. It has occurred to me that we are a part of the great spiral in our little corner of Wales and I write in connection to the spiral, as it continues to offer us the strength to move forward.
    I would like to know more of Active Hope-based “Fukushima Learning Journey” with Bob Stilger and friends and to hear if you are to meet again.
    We simply call our group call, ‘Blessing of the Waters’.
    30th September 2022

  2. Hello Maki
    Thank you for this inspiring article. I am very touched by the work that you are doing in a culture where Honoring Our Pain is not encouraged, socially.
    I have put a link on my personal website towards this article, on a page related to Nuclear Guardianship. I hope that is OK with you? If you don’t feel comfortable with that, please let me know.
    Thank you so much.

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