Wisdom of the Water

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by Marjorie Lumet

[Scroll down for French translation]

Recorded by author

Water returns to its Source.

Water is Life.

Block the flow of water and you block the flow of life.

All attempts to “control” the water, or control life will cause tremendous suffering. 

Flow with life and let life live through you. 

Water is soft and strong, fluid, flexible, and it shapes everything, it shapes our landscape and allows life to emerge. 

Our earth, as our bodies, is more water, more liquid than solid. Do not be so solid, allow yourself to become more fluid. Let yourself be moved by everything, dance like the water, dance like the wind that allows water to move, to move across and nourish our beautiful mother Earth. 

Water is life, our beginnings. 

Where water doesn’t flow there is death and destruction, desert and desolation. 

Water washes, lightens, opens, comforts, appeases, nourishes, mixes.

Water feels everything, water absorbs. Water remembers all. 

Allow yourself to be liquid. 

Water moves, water brings change, water brings life, water brings wisdom.

Water is cyclical, water flows downwards, returns to it Source, the Ocean, rises into the sky and back down again. Honour the cycles of nature, of water, the seasons, the cycles of rising and falling. 

Water will find a way through, water will flow and fill places that are receptive and open, hollows and cracks, just as life will flow when there is openness and receptivity. Find the cracks where life breaks open.  

A trickle of water can have a ripple effect. Water’s surface is constantly changing.

Water feels our intention, our emotions. Touch water with love. Honour its timeless wisdom. 

Water reflects, water is a mirror, how we relate to our water is how we relate to Life.  

Poison or pollute your water and you will be poisoned.

Go deep within, return to the Source, let life flow through you, break you open and pour from you. 

Flow with life and you will sustain life. 

Flow against it and you will destroy it. 

May water show us the way for the magic of life to flow.

[Author’s note: This message from the Water was harvested during a Work that Reconnects Spiral with Transalquimia in Northern Spain. As part of a 5-day Spiral, I participated in a Council of All Beings. Before gathering in council, we spent a whole day in the beautiful forest of Les Guilleries to encounter and source wisdom from our being. An enchanting stream flowing through the forest called to me. The Water was my being and what follows was the message I received. Since this moment I continue to be drawn to the water and can always turn to it to find peace, clarity, and deep wisdom.]

Enregistré par le poète

La sagesse de l’eau
par Marjorie Lumet

L’eau retourne à sa source.

L’eau est la vie.

Bloquez le flux de l’eau et vous bloquez le flux de la vie.

Toute tentative de “contrôler” l’eau, ou de contrôler la vie, entraînera d’énormes souffrances.

Coule avec la vie et laisse la vie vivre à travers toi 

L’eau est douce et forte, fluide, flexible et elle façonne tout, elle façonne notre paysage et permet à la vie d’émerger. 

Notre terre comme notre corps est davantage eau, plus liquide que solide. Ne sois pas si solide, laisse-toi devenir plus fluide. Laisse-toi être traversé par la Vie, danse comme l’eau, danse comme le vent qui permet à l’eau de se déplacer, de voyager pour notre belle Terre mère. 

L’eau est la vie, nos débuts. 

Là où l’eau ne coule pas, il y a la mort et la destruction, le désert et la désolation. 

L’eau lave, allège, ouvre, réconforte, apaise, nourrit, mélange.

L’eau ressent tout, l’eau absorbe. L’eau se souvient de tout. 

Permets-toi d’être liquide. 

L’eau bouge, l’eau apporte le changement, l’eau apporte la vie, l’eau apporte la sagesse.

L’eau est cyclique, l’eau coule vers le bas, retourne à sa source, l’océan, remonte dans le ciel et redescend à nouveau. Honore les cycles de la nature, de l’eau, les saisons, les cycles de montée et de descente. 

L’eau trouvera un passage, l’eau coulera et remplira les endroits qui sont réceptifs et ouverts, les creux et les fissures, tout comme la vie coulera lorsqu’il y a ouverture et réceptivité. Trouve les fissures où la vie s’ouvre.  

Une goutte d’eau peut créer un effet de vague. La surface de l’eau change constamment.

L’eau ressent notre intention, nos émotions. Touchez l’eau avec amour. Honorez sa sagesse intemporelle. 

L’eau reflète, l’eau est un miroir, notre relation avec l’eau est notre relation avec la vie.  

Empoisonnez ou polluez votre eau et vous serez empoisonné.

Explore tes profondeurs, retourne à la Source, laisse la vie te traverser, t’ouvrir et jaillir en toi et à travers toi . 

Suis le flux de la vie pour la servir. 

Résister le flux de la vie n’entraînera que destruction.  

Que l’eau nous montre le chemin pour que la magie de la vie abonde.

Recorded by Karina Lutz

Marjorie Lumet lives in Amsterdam, NL. She’s a mindfulness coach and birth doula and recently started facilitating the Work that Reconnects. 

Practising mindfulness and guiding others to awaken to the fullness of the moment has opened up her heart to Life in so many ways, to deeper levels of being in connection with our inner and outer nature. 

As a human being and as a mother, she feels increasing heartbreak around ecological breakdown, alarm about the future, and misses an engaged form of mindfulness. She is grateful for the Work That Reconnects combining mindfulness, nature connection, community, and acting in service of Life. It is an essential resource for her and an honour to share this work around her.


One thought on “Wisdom of the Water

  1. I’m so happy to hear your deep and fluid, ‘waterful’ tones reading these poems, Marjorie. I feel like I just bathed again in a stream in Les Guilleries forest, listening to these deep reminders of the central part of water in Life and hearing your invitation to honour and deepen our fluidity. Thank you!

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