The Impossible Train Story

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By Phoebe Tickell

Caption read by author

I have a story I’d like to tell you… This story takes place in a place between time, in a dream world, much like ours… These are future beings, present day beings, dreaming up a story in which we can play out what happens after the Impossible Train stops… The train which is our society, our economy, our urgent behaviours, our never-ending consumption, the delusions that power us forward, racism, colonialism, age-old patterns that drive us to be separated from one another… The train stops, and we are asked, what comes next? What does it mean to step back into self-authorship, and ask “who do we want to be?” Listen to the 4 minute story and try out free-writing your idea of what comes next after it stops. Do it for the future beings, whose lives depend on our stories…

Once you are done, you can submit your story to, to be showcased in our living publication… #MoralImaginations


Audio version of biography

Phoebe Tickell (28) is a London-based systems thinker, independent researcher, strategist and consultant specialising in participatory governance, program design and narratives. She was trained and mentored in The Work That Reconnects by Joanna Macy, and started an organisation, Moral Imaginations, to take this work into the world. Her work sits at the intersection of organisational governance, deep ecology, systems thinking and the use of immersive imaginary practice to bring governance alive. She is an Associate Lecturer at Schumacher College and has worked in new forms of participatory governance that bring more-than-human-life into how we make decisions. Her full-time work is in dynamic and participatory governance design, facilitation and strategy advice, working with groups, movements and organisations through the lens of complexity and systems thinking.

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